ExoKyoto Page Has Been Updated


The ExoKyoto Webpage has been updated. The Kyoto University team led by Professor Yosuke Yamashiki, of the Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies of Human Survivability (Shishu-Kan) launched the ExoKyoto Webpage in 2016 as an integrated database of confirmed exoplanets.

Built on extensive astronomical observation and research data accumulated over many years at the University, ExoKyoto enables users to compare different calculations and definitions of the habitable zone for each planet, making it the world’s first open platform with such capabilities.

The database covers over 3,500 confirmed exoplanets as well as more than 120,000 stars, for everyone of which the habitable zone can be calculated.

Recently the page has been updated to include many more exoplanets as well as a new design theme for easier navigation. If you have an academic interest in exoplanets or space, please take a look at ExoKyoto. 




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