
Space camp at Biosphere2にて
金沢大学人間社会学域学校教育学類附属高等学校 卒業
京都大学工学部 物理工学科 卒業
京都大学大学院総合生存学館 在籍中
My research is related to remote sensing. My current topic is the estimation of aquatic plants using GCOM-C. Remote sensing has high potential and may be useful for our daily life such as disaster prediction. However, it has not been realized yet. Through my five years at this university, I will contribute to changing the situation.
I was selected for an overseas training organized by the University of Arizona and Kyoto University. The program was called “Space Camp at Biposphere2” and held in Biosphere2, Arizona. Through this program, I learned what a human space mission is. Therefore, I’m interested in not only an unmanned space development but a human space mission. I will consider the ideal state of global society from the perspective of humanity’s expansion into space.
4) [accepted] Hiroaki Sato, Takashi Kaneta, Kazuyoshi Ishiga. Creation of innovation through changes in industrial structure to realize well-being -Approach to Public-Private Partnerships-. 総合生存学研究, 2022.
3) Susaki, J. & Sato, H. & Kuriki, A. & Kajiwara, K. & Honda, Y.. (2021). ESTIMATION OF LAND SURFACE ALBEDO FROM GCOM-C/SGLI SURFACE REFLECTANCE. ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. V-3-2021. 227-234. 10.5194/isprs-annals-V-3-2021-227-2021.
2) 須﨑 純一, 佐藤 啓明, 栗木 周, 梶原 康司, 本多 嘉明, 重回帰モデルと単時期の地表面反射率を用いたGCOM-C SGLI陸域アルベドの推定, 写真測量とリモートセンシング, 2020, 59 巻, 4 号, p. 158-166, 公開日 2021/09/01, Online ISSN 1883-9061, Print ISSN 0285-5844, https://doi.org/10.4287/jsprs.59.158, https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jsprs/59/4/59_158/_article/-char/ja
1) Yamashiki, Yosuke & Maehara, Hiroyuki & Airapetian, Vladimir & Notsu, Yuta & Sato, Tatsuhiko & Notsu, Shota & Kuroki, Ryusuke & Murashima, Keiya & Sato, Hiroaki & Namekata, Kosuke & Sasaki, Takanori & Scott, Thomas & Bando, Hina & Nashimoto, Subaru & Takagi, Fuka & Ling, Cassandra & Nogami, Daisaku & Shibata, Kazunari. (2019). Impact of Stellar Superflares on Planetary Habitability. The Astrophysical Journal. 881. 10.3847/1538-4357/ab2a71.
Author | Title | 詳細 | Date | 形式 |
*佐藤啓明,桑島修一郎 | [1D21]欧米との比較にみる日本の宇宙イノベーション政策動向 | 研究・イノベーション学会 | 2022/10/29 | 学会(口頭発表) |
*佐藤 啓明,橋本 亜美,久保 朋美,平井 颯,宮下 裕策,寺田 昌弘,山敷 庸亮,土井 隆雄 | The finding from Space Camp at Biosphere 2 | 宇宙航空環境医学 | 2019 | 学会(口頭発表) |
*田島知之 佐藤啓明 大上耕平 | 閉鎖環境下における社会と行動 -宇宙霊長類学という学際的アプローチ- | 宇宙航空環境医学 | 2021 | 学会(口頭発表) |
*Hiroaki Sato、Yosuke Alexandre Yamashiki | Estimation of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in Lake Biwa from GCOM-C Data by Multiple Linear Regression | JpGU 2022 | 2022 | 学会(ポスター) |
*Hiroaki Sato、Yosuke Alexandre Yamashiki | Application of Isopycnal Layered Model to the Calculation of Hydrological and Oceanic Flows on Islands | JpGU 2022 | 2022 | 学会(ポスター) |
*佐藤 啓明、山敷 庸亮 | Application of an isopycnal-layered model to islands | JpGU 2021 | 2021 | 学会(ポスター) |
*Hiroaki Sato, Yosuke Alexandre Yamashiki, Ryusuke Kuroki, Hideaki Miyamoto, Ryodo Hemmi | [AOS12-P03] Hydrological and Debris-flow simulation of Martian Surface in Hesperian & early Amazonian epoch | JpGU 2019 | 2019 | 学会(ポスター) |
Yosuke Alexandre Yamashiki, Hiroaki Sato, Ryusuke Kuroki, Hideaki Miyamoto, Ryodo Hemmi | Hydrological Process of Martian Surface in Hesperian epochh | JpGU 2017 | 2017 | 学会(ポスター) |
*佐藤 啓明、久保 朋美、橋本 亜美、平井 颯、宮下 裕策、山敷 庸亮、Morgan Katie | [AOS25-P02] The internal ocean in a closure environment | JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020 | 2020 | 学会(ポスター) |
*木村 なみ、山敷 庸亮、佐藤 啓明 | [AOS25-P05] Scientific illustration and Computer Graphics of exoplanets in Exo Kyoto’s extrasolar planet catalog | JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020 | 2020 | 学会(ポスター) |
山敷庸亮,Vladimir Airapetian, 佐藤達彦, 野津湧太, 前原裕之, 行方宏介, 野津翔太, 佐々木貴教, 佐藤啓明, 木村なみ, 清水里香, 高木風香, 坂東日菜, 野上大作, 柴田一成, 他 ExoKyoto 開発チーム | 恒星高エネルギー粒子のフルエンスを考慮したハビタブルゾーンの再評価 | 学会 | ||
Yuta Ando, Yoshino Kazuyasu, Go kazawa, Hiroaki Sato, Shogo Sugimoto, Toshiki Muraoka, Atsuko Yasunaga | Transdisciplinary Perspectives:”Well-being & Innovation””幸せを支えるイノベーション”を考える | GSAIS International Symposium | 2021 | 口頭発表 |
Hiroaki Sato, Ami Hashimoto, Tomomi Kubo, Yusaku Miyashita, Hayate Hirai, Masahiro Terada, Yosuke A. Yamashiki, Takao Doi | Space Camp at Bipsphere 2 ~Aim for Human Activity on Mars~ | MVA | 2019 | ポスター |
Hiroaki Sato, Ami Hashimoto, Tomomi Kubo, Yusaku Miyashita, Hayate Hirai, Masahiro Terada, Yosuke A. Yamashiki, Takao Doi | Biosphere 3 ~A Human Habitat on Mars~ | MVA | 2019 | ポスター |
Hiroaki Sato | A Mission on Mars? ~Space Camp at Biosphere2~ | 海外チャレンジストーリー | 2021 | 講義 |