生田直也 Naoya Ikuta

滋賀県立膳所高等学校 卒業
京都大学 工学部地球工学科 卒業
京都大学大学院 総合生存学館 在籍中
My primary research theme revolves around water security, specifically assessing the impacts of global warming on the eutrophication of lakes and reservoirs. As population growth and urbanization intensify, there is a growing interest in sustainable water supply. Eutrophication of lakes is one of the major issues in this regard. Concurrently, global warming remains a significant concern, and even with current interventions, a future temperature increase is inevitable. This unavoidable warming is expected to exacerbate eutrophication. Therefore, it is essential to develop strategies for managing eutrophication that consider the effects of global warming.
As for personal interests, I enjoy watching anime. Since the onset of COVID-19, I’ve found it challenging to reconnect with my hobby of cycling, leading to a somewhat sedentary lifestyle. I am currently looking for friends to join me in physical activities and share some sweat.